An essential element of evaluating history is "how it changes over time". Civilizations, societies, cultures, are all under constant change, innovation, new ideas, and the call to rely on traditions, the list can go on and on as time as time as changed. Influence and inspiration are no different. There will always be principles and values that stand the test of time as it pertains to influence and inspiration.
You can add to the list.
Many of us are changing all the time, everyday, in fact, because we are operating from the principles mentioned above that inevitably change our attitudes, emotions, and behaviors for the better. How then do we influence and inspire others that continue to create a better version of themselves by moving towards individuation and integration? Rather than following the next trend, or next fad, do the work that changes you. The work that changes us is moving from compartmentalization of thoughts and emotions, to individuating ourselves through integration of our mind, body, and soul. The greatest gift we will give the world is to unify ourselves, so that the world sees what authentic unification looks like. Our natural influence and inspiration flow from the unified self. We will become free of beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes that keep us from connecting with ourselves and others. Those people, places, and things that keep us in one compartment, in one place , and another compartment with certain people, and yet another in things we interact with will come crumbling down. Vulnerability won't be a difficult concept because we will have nothing to hide or a persona to keep. These changes happen over time, which will have a lasting impact on our ability to influence and inspire. Attraction will be come more of the norm, creativity of thought and action will pass through the unified self and inspire and influence others. There are three simple ways we can start to break down compartments and integrate ourselves.
Metacognition: Think about your thinking. Are there themes and obsessive thoughts that keep you stuck in a compartment?
Let the scary in: Are there people, places, things, choices, and decisions, that scare you? Let them into your conscious so they can be processed and moved on from.
Forgive: How much offense and anger is trapped inside of you? Take the bold step to confront, admit where you may be wrong, and gain perspective.
The work that changes us, brings us together.